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All Profit Is Donated - All Energy Into the Making of the Bees is Done Freely with Love!

Did you know that telling the bees of significant life events is a tradition dating back hundreds of years?  Verbally relaying sorrow, grief, but also happy news within the lives of a family, was said to have been a necessary part of life to process everything from the death of a loved one to the celebration of a marriage.  Although many fear being stung by bees,  honeybees are particularly reluctant to do so and have been known to swarm funeral processions, showing the mournful sympathy between bees and humans. 


Telling your TheraBee your troubles is only part of the process of helping you to overcome life’s challenges.  Many caring therapists want to help, but opening up about hurts and trauma can be difficult with someone face to face.  The soft TheraBee can be a useful and friendly face as a place to rest your eyes on while saying difficult or embarrassing things out loud for a therapist to hear and help process. 


Getting started with finding the right people to help is often another challenge.  If you or someone you know needs help, you may want to begin at for free and confidential information.

Third Way Center provides around the clock treatment and care to young adults ages 14-21 with counseling, psychiatry, life skills, substance abuse counseling, therapeudic and fun activities and more. 

In time, Therabees for Charities hopes to add even more deserving charities!

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